Dart Leagues
Our dart shop is partner of several dart leagues:
The northern Baden-e-Dart League was founded in 1997. It's a free league that any parent organization is a member. The seat of the League is currently in Hambrücken. Currently 23 teams from 19 clubs / clubs with 250 members are active. These teams are distributed in the space of Heidelberg in the north to the south Rheinstetten. Each team can join the NBEDL. Is currently being played in 3 classes where the A-League is the highest class of the league. Then there is the Mastercup. The league is played in the period from September to April. Furthermore, there is the final evening will be held in the still several open tournaments.

The Upper Bavarian Darts Federation (OBDSV) was founded in 2009 in Markt Schwaben (SC Ebersberg). The Association does not belong to übergeortneten Association and is a free e-Dart League. What distinguishes the OBDSV other Dartverbänden is that is played with no prize money, that is just about trophies and cash prizes. Currently there is only one league with 10 teams, but in the beginning it is normal. The area is currently in the Munich area and its surroundings, where you will also find directions to the north of Upper Bavaria. Each team can register with the OBDSV.

Here you will find information on DSAB dart league in Berlin, coupled with the Berlin Sports Administration ( DSAB & CDLB ).

League break? You want to play anyway? Then look at times of the East Berlin Cup round is over! This runs in the breaks of the DSAB Berlin and already starting from a participation of four teams. The games will be played as normal after the general league rules . The Cup round consists of a home and away. A total of 4 blocks, 2 double, 4 blocks and then sudden death may be played, with the discharge line is arbitrary (2.37 m or 2.44 m).

Since September 2003 runs at the Free E-Dartliga Niederlausitz the matches. They began with just 12 teams and now they are already 34th A sign of solidarity and fun at the sport of darts.

The Potsdam dart league provides game operation in A, B and C leagues. It is located in the state capital of Brandenburg: Potsdam, located southwest of Berlin.

The first North Hessian offers a dart league play operation with over 450 teams in the following leagues: C -, B - A - BZ - BZO - and Bundesliga. Played 2 seasons are a year and a big final tournament. In addition there are regular on local events and international championships. An online administration for self-government / Earnings entry is also provided.
The Landauer E-Dart League Association, LEDL short, is a voluntary association of various teams around Landau. More than 70 teams playing in seven groups for the championship to promotion and relegation.
The top league is the group A, which also determines the annual champion. The sub-groups are the B1 and B2. Among the groups C1, C2 and C3. The lowest class is the group D match
Depending on the category of the game mode is different. The D-301 single group plays out, the C-301 masters groups play out, while in the B-group 501 out masters, and in the A-group 501 out double play.
In addition to the league champion a year and the Cup Winners will be determined. Since 2007, a Masters Cup between all groups and the Cup Winners' Cup first played.

The dart league in northern Germany and south-east of Schleswig-Holstein on the Baltic Sea (Bay of Lübeck).

We are also partners of DSAB committee in Berlin. The Captain's Panel on the DSAB was established with the approval of league management. It should be the league lead in disciplinary actions (such as locks or penalized players, etc.) to assist you. This committee is headed by Udo Starker "Matzi" as 1st Chairman. Unfortunately, at the moment they don't have a website.

Do you play in a dart league that is not listed here? Then write us an email und we will get in touch with you!